Did you know businesses are required by state law and your insurance company to test regularly your Emergency Exit Lighting
systems? Do not take a chance with such serious matters: avoid serious liabilities, increased insurance rates and fines by having, maintaining and testing adequate exit and emergency lighting systems in your building(s).
A-1/Umpqua Valley Fire Services offers a comprehensive maintenance and inspection service on previously installed lighting systems. We will inspect and test every aspect of your emergency lighting units starting with the trickle charger, bulbs, wiring connections, adjust lighting to cover required routes of egress and finishing with the battery.
Our Emergency Lighting Technicians are knowledgeable about:
A brief push of the "test button" can be deceiving since a half-dead battery will operate a lamp for a short period of time. We have the knowledge and instrumentation to load test your lights and detect defective equipment before emergency lighting equipment failure occurs.
Our Normal Service Contracts Include:
External & internal inspection of the fixture.
Testing of indicator lights.-Testing of sealed beam lamps & AC bulbs.
Testing of trickle charging functions.
Testing of momentary test switch.
Check fuses in DC output circuit.
Test transfer relay.
Load test & cycle battery to determine if it is capable of delivering required performance of a minimum of 1 ½ hours of continuous illumination for emergency lighting.
Directional alignment of lighting to cover required routes of egress
Let us do the proper preventative maintenance on your emergency lighting units so they will "LIGHT THE WAY" when needed.
Call today and let us provide you with:
Quality Technical Service
New Emergency and Exit Lighting Units
All Replacement Parts
Annual, Semi-Annual and Monthly Contract Services
Service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
NFPA 1997 5-9.3
Periodic Testing of Emergency Lighting
An annual test shall be conducted for a
1-1/2 hour duration. Equipment shall be fully
functional for the duration of the test.
Standard Fire Prevention Code 1999 807.1.4 Exit Illumination and Signs
A functional test shall be conducted on every required emergency lighting system at 30-day intervals for a minimum of 30-seconds
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